Vaishnava Sadachaar : Paying Obeisances from left to the dieties.
Dandawat Pranaam dear Prabhujee
As per vaishnava etiquette module, while paying obeisances to the dieties, why it is recommended to pay the obeisances to dieties from left side.
One general answer I received long back was that the demigods, vaishnavas and devotees of lord are present in front of the Vigraha worshipping him, so if one does pranama directly facing towards the idol, then he/she would be showing his/ her back or feet to them, which would be a sign of disrespect, thus vaishnava aparadha. If this is true, then how should we approach the archa vigrahas in other temples than iskcon if the Archa Vigrahas of lord and his devotees are placed facing each other or side ways . In all the direction placing feet would be considered aparadha since vaishnavas coming to take darshan and vigrahas itself, are present on all sides. And usually in other temples priests recommends darshans and paying obeisances from front of the vigrahas, without considering any aparadha to anybody even if feet faces another vigraha.
How should we apply and justify this vaishnava etiquette .
Also what should be ideal approach for a vaishnava while offering obeisances to Archa vigrahas in and outside Iskcon temples.
Thankyou for going through this query.
Hare Krishna !
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