hmm… interesting observation and query …. my humble submission is real knowledge is transcendental knowledge that enables one to understand the Absolute truth, The Supreme Personality of GodHead… … real knowledge is the route through which we can understand the root of everything – the source of everything – the ultimate cause of all causes – the sat chit ananda vigraha – SPOG Lord Krsna!… and start the practice of bhakti – sadhana. Nava vidha bhakti starts with sravanam – when we inquire and hear from a bonafide Guru, we receive real knowledge in our heart which enables us to perform activities as prescribed such as chanting HKMM, hearing BG, SB, CC from our Gurus and in this way realize the goal of human form of life – Krsna Prema which is the complete understanding of the Absolute Truth in his form as Bhagavan with whom we exchange loving reciprocation when we attain the stage of Krsna Prema….
So in summary, receiving and understanding real knowledge is part of sambandha gyan – I am servant of the Lord, which leads us to perform abhideya – nava vidha bhakti from sravanam to atmanivedanam where the real knowledge grows in our heart to cut the roots of lust, anger, greed, pride , envy, illusion and that leads us to prayojana – Krsna Prema – complete understanding of the Absolute Truth – Purna Purushottam Bhagavan – Supreme Personality of GodHead – which is loving devotional service with Prema unto lotus feet of Radhe Krsna….Gaurangaaaaa!!!!……
These are some thoughts….Hope this gives some perspective!!
Yours in service
Medhavini Sakhi Devi Dasi