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Bhakti Connect Forums Ask A Question About soul


  • Priyanka Sinha

    May 9, 2023 at 10:45 pm

    I think soul before the time of death is connected through astral rays to the body. When soul is in coma it leaves the body but attached through astral rays can again return back. When death occurs this connection breaks up, hence, the soul could get into the body again..I am not very sure about my answer’s validity..anybody is welcome to enlighten me too with the correct answer or atleast can add more to this discussion..Hare Krishna and Dandvat Pranam

    • Priyanka Sinha

      May 11, 2023 at 6:17 pm

      sorry Prabhu ji, I Just googled and got to know that the word is ‘astral projections’ is actually ‘subtle body’ which connects the soul to the gross body. Subtle body is referred in BG in chapter 2. Subtle body is composed of mind, false ego and intelligence. This is transferred to a new body in mother’s womb then birth of jiva occurs

  • Priyanka Sinha

    May 9, 2023 at 10:47 pm

    Sorry Prabhu ji, after death this connection breaks hence soul could not return back to his body again

  • 67 jignesh Purohit

    May 10, 2023 at 7:50 pm

    Hare krsna mataji,

    Please accept my humble Obesicances

    Thank you very much mataji for your reply but i am still confused about this question regarding cpr and coming back to life. I have seen videos were person suddenly dies due to HA and if another person gives him cpr he again comes back to his consciousness., and pls can you elaborate about astral rays what it is and some Scriptural reference regarding this because I heard this word first time.

    Thank you

    Your servant


    • Priyanka Sinha

      May 11, 2023 at 6:01 pm

      Hare Krishna Prabhu ji ,

      Dandvat Pranam,

      Sorry Prabhu ji if you are looking for reference I am not a right person. In mere excitement I gave my response to your interesting question as it was around my area of interest like- What happens after death, NDE, Out of the body experiences of yogis etc.. As far as my knowledge( not from scriptural facts) astral rays are some sort of virtual chord which attaches the soul through the naval area. when yogis through their siddhis or in advanced stage of meditation leave their body and again return back to their body, then this astral rays comes into light.. I Have only this much understanding Prabhu ji… Extremely sorry for not quenching your knowledge thirst.. may Krishna and his vaishnavas help you in this..

  • HG Parabhakti Devi Dasi

    May 11, 2023 at 5:47 pm

    Hare Krishna

    CPR is an emergency life saving procedure performed when the heart stops beating. Since it is a life saving procedure that means death has still not occurred and soul is still inside body. Clinically death happens when EITHER both brain & heart are dead OR only the brain is dead.

    1. When brain is working and heart stops beating: When heart stops beating as in the case of cardiac arrest, breathing and pulse also stops. When this happens, the heart must be started again as soon as possible (CPR), so the brain and other vital organs can get the oxygen they need. After three minutes without oxygen, the brain cells start to die. Once the brain is also dead, the body becomes useless and it cannot be revived by any means. At this time agents of death pull the soul out of the body and arrange next/new body according to the soul’s karma in the previous body. Person is able to get timely CPR only by his karma.

    2. When brain stops working and heart is beating: Brain death is a complex assessment that is mostly misunderstood and often challenged in court. Brain principally comprises of 2 hemispheres and brain stem. Of all three, brainstem is the last structure to lose function. Once brainstem function is lost, breathing stops first and the heart soon thereafter. Sometimes patients are put on life support which just delays this process. In comatose, patients may be able to breathe on their own and when some or all brainstem reflexes are preserved. Therefore brain dead is considered clinically dead because body is just in vegetative state and is going to die sooner or later. In this case soul remains in body till heart stops beating. Srila Prabhupad says that such state is a punishment and is given to those souls who are very much attached to body and are not willing to leave the body at the time of death. So this makes death more miserable because so many sufferings going on, so many dreaming, the Yamadutas coming etc.

    Sometimes out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and near-death experiences (NDE) also happen in above cases when soul temporarily leaves the gross body and hover over its own body at the scene of an accident or over the operating table. Please read for more details on this.

    • Priyanka Sinha

      May 11, 2023 at 6:53 pm

      Hare Krishna Mata ji,

      Dandvat Pranam,

      I did not saw that you have already replied.. How come I replied when you are there to reply in such a detailed and descriptive manner with each and everything answered even with reference.. Extremely sorry mataji.. It was so nice of you that you tried to help me out by answering question to which i was unable to..


    • 67 jignesh Purohit

      May 12, 2023 at 12:29 pm

      Hare krsna mataji,

      Thank you for clearing doubt

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